The secrets behind the Finance

Nowadays companies must juggle huge amounts of financial data each day and to achieve high performance and navigate an industry that is more and more complex, in an always-on environment, they need to transform the way they work.

Discover Intelligent Finance Operations

Intelligent Finance Operations makes the best use of inputs from AI and machine learning algorithms to strengthen forecasting models and increase data accuracy. It provides access to real-time, democratized, and diverse data. And it seamlessly sources the best talent through multidisciplinary teams.

Join us June 29th, between 16:00 and 17:30 in an online session and discover how to achieve high performance of financial data and navigate your company. Explore by the side of our greatest experts in the field!
  • Client’s Journey to Intelligent Finance Operations at Accenture
  • Before and After comparison of the client’s Finance digital landscape
  • Change management process during transformation

Constantin Bobeica, Business Transformation Lead for Intelligent Finance & HR Operations, and Geogiana Sava, Finance and Accounting Associate Manager, will guide you through the most important aspects of the Transformation Journey to Intelligent Finance Operation.

Register here:


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